
10 English words every designer should know

10 английских слов, которые должен знать каждый дизайнер

We asked Tatiana Kulikova, BHSAD preparatory English language courses programme leader, to regularly share lists of the most useful words and phrases that every designer should know in order to tell the whole world about their projects.

Check out our first list with 10 cool expressions related to the word «colour»!

Hue — property of colour that refers to the intrinsic «colour» of a colour. Distinguishing between a colour that is more red-orange than red-violet is referencing the property of hue

Colour wheel — a circle with different coloured sectors used to show the relationship between colours
Primary colours — hues that cannot be produced by a mixture of other hues: Red, yellow and blue

Secondary colours — violet, green, orange; hues that can be produced by mixing two of the primary hues. Red and blue make violet. Yellow and blue make green. Red and yellow make orange

Harmonious colours — colours close to each other on the colour wheel and are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. For example, red + yellow + orange or blue + green + yellow

Complementary colours — pairs of colours that are opposite one another on the colour wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and violet have the greatest degree of contrast

Tertiary colours — red-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet; colours that can be created by mixing a primary and a secondary colour. The tertiary colours fall between primary and secondary colours on the colour wheel

Cool colours — a colour group associated with blue that includes blue-green, blue-violet, green, yellow-green, and violet. Cool colours appear to recede in space and have a general psychological association with coolness

Warm colours — a colour group that is associated with red that includes red-orange, red-violet, orange, yellow-orange, and usually yellow. Warm colours appear to advance in space and have a general psychological association with warmth

Neutral colours — black, white, grey, and brown are considered to be “neutral” colours because they are (theoretically) neither warm nor cool colours. Some neutral colours may be achieved by mixing a complementary colour pair—which «neutralises» them