
10 английских слов, которые должен знать каждый дизайнер

10 английских слов, которые должен знать каждый дизайнер

Мы попросили Татьяну Куликову, куратора подготовительных курсов английского языка в БВШД, регулярно делиться подборками из английских слов, понятий и выражений, которые точно должен знать каждый дизайнер, чтобы свободно рассказывать о своих проектах всему миру.

В нашей первой подборке — 10 немыслимо полезных выражений относительно понятия «цвет»:

Hue — property of colour that refers to the intrinsic «colour» of a colour. Distinguishing between a colour that is more red-orange than red-violet is referencing the property of hue

Colour wheel — a circle with different coloured sectors used to show the relationship between colours
Primary colours — hues that cannot be produced by a mixture of other hues: Red, yellow and blue

Secondary colours — violet, green, orange; hues that can be produced by mixing two of the primary hues. Red and blue make violet. Yellow and blue make green. Red and yellow make orange

Harmonious colours — colours close to each other on the colour wheel and are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. For example, red + yellow + orange or blue + green + yellow

Complementary colours — pairs of colours that are opposite one another on the colour wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and violet have the greatest degree of contrast

Tertiary colours — red-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet; colours that can be created by mixing a primary and a secondary colour. The tertiary colours fall between primary and secondary colours on the colour wheel

Cool colours — a colour group associated with blue that includes blue-green, blue-violet, green, yellow-green, and violet. Cool colours appear to recede in space and have a general psychological association with coolness

Warm colours — a colour group that is associated with red that includes red-orange, red-violet, orange, yellow-orange, and usually yellow. Warm colours appear to advance in space and have a general psychological association with warmth

Neutral colours — black, white, grey, and brown are considered to be “neutral” colours because they are (theoretically) neither warm nor cool colours. Some neutral colours may be achieved by mixing a complementary colour pair—which «neutralises» them