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Project "Code of the Future"

The Future Code project was created as an experiment to find hidden relationships between inventions of the past and by research possibilities of their application in creating future innovation.

We believe that it is among these connections that there is valuable information that can push innovators for technological breakthroughs tomorrow.

And if earlier to solve a similar problem would take years, today with the help of artificial intelligence technologies it can be solved in a matter of hours. To verify this, based on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, we created a neural network capable of analyzing arrays data from the databases of world patent offices.

10 000 000

patents from international databases


  • Depth: number of layers - 2
  • Width: the number of nodes in the layer - 16
  • Size: the number of nodes in the model - 256
  • Learning speed: <5 seconds
  • Amount of data for training: <1.5 TB
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The neural network has identified 9 of the largest "patent trees" over the past decades, and in each of them - the most significant inventions.

A "patent tree" is a chain of related patents, in which the first, "parent" patent gives rise to next generations of inventions.

We invite you to take a journey through the history of technological ideas and imagine what will appear in the course of their evolution in the near future, using the example of these nine trees.

Click to start researching the patent tree


Inspired by the information found by the neural network, as well as modern technological trends, we have come up with our own versions of innovative objects of the future for each of the studied patent trees and placed them within the metaphorical space. Perhaps these objects will soon enter the market and become available to a wide range of users. We invite you to take a walk through the virtual building of the future in the format of an interactive games.

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And here you can study in more detail the objects of the future presented in the virtual space, and learn about the reasons that prompted us to think about their appearance.

  • icon- switching between objects
  • icon- rotation of the 3D model
  • icon- scrolling text

Student works


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