Industry relations

Close links with the industry form the basis for the School’s educational approach

Industry collaborations

One of our strengths is our rich history in collaborating with Russian and international companies and organisations operating across a broad range of sectors and activities such as Adidas; H&M; The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts; The British Council; Adobe; Publicis; Microsoft, Nike and Nikon.

Programmes maintain close links with industry which feeds into the student experience through live projects, competitions and events further enabling our graduates to have a competitive edge in the Russian and International workplace.

As a result of such industry collaboration students receive a valuable hands-on experience of working on a real project while businesses improve their intellectual and creative potential by employing young creative talent.

If you want to become BHSAD's partners and to learn more on our partnership programmes, please fill in the form below to download a detailed PDF file.

Feel free to contact us at

Sponsorship and Partnership

Companies can enter into a partnership with BHSAD in a variety of formats that include financial support of BHSAD programs and resources, supply of equipment, technology and materials, creation of innovations Labs, providing scholarships and live briefs for students, employing students as interns and delivering public talks and workshops.

To learn more, please fill in form to view the PDF file.

Live projects

Whilst at the BHSAD students work on real briefs from International and local companies. These assignments are available to students of any program me. The companies receive designs ready to be implemented while the students obtain hands-on experience working with a real client.


If your company requires designers to work on assignments related to graphics design, advertising, interior design, product design, fashion, architecture, photography and visual arts and so on, we will be happy to place our students as interns with your company.

Your company will obtain new part-time talent and the opportunity to see them in action for prospective full-time positions, while the students gain valuable hands-on experience and increase their competencies for future employment.

Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities

BHSAD regularly hosts different conferences, public talks and workshops that facilitate exchange of ideas between the business and the creative community. We encourage companies to share their expertise with our students and a wider audience.

External venues

Throughout the academic year BHSAD organizes a wide range of external events including presentations, exhibitions and other activities. If you represent a Museum, a Gallery, an Exhibition space or a Culture Organization, we would love to hear from you!

Loyalty Programme

BHSAD has strong ties with many global and local companies that provide discounts and special terms to our students. We will be happy to spread the word about your company and its services to our students and alumni to help strengthen your brand awareness and increase visibility.

Corporate Training

Your corporate training efforts will be successful with the right training partner. At BHSAD we help companies to educate employees and further their professional development and expertise.

We develop unique training courses for each corporate client specific to their industry that will be both practical, useful and tailored to your objectives.

Event Partnership

We invite companies to become and information partner, a technical partner of a product/service partner for one of our major events throughout the year.

Student works

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