Degree of kinship: Bachelor's Degree in Design and Marketing in the UK and the UK

Diplomas of higher education in BHOS are of international standard: the school has adopted the British credit transfer system, here they teach ten British bachelor's degree programs and three preliminary stages.

How does education work in the UK?
Level 2
UK qualifications
Level 3
Level 3/4
Level 4 
Level 5 
Level 6 
Bachelor's Degree

The UK education system consists of five stages: preschool (Pre-preparatory school), primary (Primary school), secondary (Secondary school), professional (Further education) and higher (Higher education).

Englishmen go to school at the age of 5 and at the end of 16 they receive a certificate of compulsory secondary education (GCSE). After that, they either prepare for the entrance exams (A-Level) to the university for two years, or receive a professional education( Further education), also for two years.

Great Britain is a participant of the Bologna process. Students ' learning outcomes are evaluated according to the credit-transfer system. Tests, exams, term papers and theses are measured in credits. In Britain, one credit is equal to 10 academic hours — to move to the next stage, a student must gain 120 credits for a year, consisting of full-time and extracurricular work.

Higher education contains three levels: Bachelor's degree( Bachelor), Master's degree (Master) and doctoral degree (Doctor of Philosophy).

Bachelor's and master's degrees are divided by specialties, for example:

  • ВA (Bachelor of Arts) и MA (Master of Arts) — Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts.
  • BSc (Bachelor of Science) и MSc (Master of Science) — Bachelor of Science and Master of Science.

And so on.

If you have received an 11-year secondary education, then to enroll in a bachelor's degree in the UK, you must either complete a preparatory program for obtaining an A-Level (2 years) or a Foundation program (1 year).

Education at BHSAD
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3/4
Level 4, 5, 6
Introduction Pre-Foundation Foundation BA (Hons) Fine Art
BA (Hons) Fashion Design
BA (Hons) Illustration
BA (Hons) Product & Industrial Design
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design
BA (Hons) Photography
BA (Hons) Textile Design
BA (Hons) Marketing
BA (Hons) Advertising & Digital Marketing
Can be combined with school studies
Можно совмещать со школой
After finishing school
После окочания школы
Typically after finishing UK Foundation
or equivalent or Russian HE
После окончания курса Foundation
или получения российского высшего образования

It is not necessary to get an international diploma in the field of art, design and marketing abroad. The British Higher School of Design (BVSHD) has ten British Bachelor's Degree (BA) programs and three preliminary stages (Pre-Degree). The BHOS has adopted the British [credit-transfer] system, which allows you to transfer to school from foreign universities or enter them from school for master's degree programs. Outstanding specialists teach at Britanka , students participate in large-scale annual exhibitions of diploma projects Britanka Degree Show and Britanka Pre-Degree Show, they finish their training with competitive specialists who easily adapt to the reality of international and Russian markets.

The most capable students complete their final year of bachelor's degree in the UK. All graduates receive a diploma from the University of Hertfordshire. Many continue their education in the master's programs of European universities.

Maria Kazakova
Graduate of the BA (Hons) Fashion Design program. The founder of the brand Jahnkoy. Maria also graduated from the MFA Fashion, Design and Society at the Parsons School in New York.

Aleksandra Gromchenko
Graduate of the BA (Hons) Product program & Industrial Design. The founder of the Chiller Chair brand.

Nastya Varlamova
Graduate of the BA (Hons) Illustration program. She has worked with Adidas by Stella McCartney, L'occitane, Russian Post, Goodlocal, Gosha Orekhov and YOURS, Snickers, "Peredvizhnik". Lives and works in Portugal.

Yulia Ratushnyak
Graduate of the BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design program. Urbanist and consultant on urban development. She completed a master's degree in Urban Studies at UC Berkeley in the USA.

Программы бакалавриата
Ресурсные центры и сервисы Британки

BHOS Bachelor's degree programs correspond to the European system of higher education — they are accredited by the University of Hertfordshire and are regulated by the UK government through the Academic Quality Control Agency.

Today, there are eight bachelor's degree programs in the field of art and design in Britanka:
  1. Fashion Design — BA (Hons) Fashion Design.
  2. Contemporary Art — BA (Hons) Fine Art.
  3. Graphic Design — BA (Hons) Graphic Design.
  4. Illustration — BA (Hons) Illustration.
  5. Interior Design and Architecture-BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design.
  6. Industrial Design — BA (Hons) Product and Industrial Design.
  7. Textile Design — BA (Hons) Textiles Design.
  8. Photography — BA (Hons) Photography.

And two in the field of business and marketing:
  1. Marketing — BA (Hons) Marketing.
  2. Advertising and Digital Marketing — BA (Hons) Advertising & Digital Marketing.

The achievements of students and the influence of graduates on the development of the industry have brought the school's programs international and national recognition. Teachers and technical specialists provide students with a culturally enriched educational experience and help them acquire the skills necessary in a complex and rapidly changing world.

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For admission to the bachelor's degree, an international A-Level certificate of compulsory secondary education is required. There are three Pre-Degree programs in the direction of Art & Design in the British Academy.

  1. Introduction to Art and Design.
  2. Pre-Foundation Art and Design.
  3. Foundation Art and Design.

The first and second levels can be combined with studying at a secondary school. Foundation Art and Design is the first step to obtaining a British bachelor's degree.

There are also Pre-Degree programs in the field of business and marketing in the field of art and design:
  1. Introduction to Marketing is a program for high school students who want to learn the basics of marketing.
  2. Foundation Business and Marketing is a program for school graduates who want to prepare for admission to the British Bachelor's degree programs in marketing.

Pre-Degree-программы позволяют приобретать знания, навыки и опыт, необходимые для поступления на одну из программ бакалавриата, готовят учеников к карьере в творческих индустриях.

"You can experiment on Foundation, and this is priceless: you begin to understand what your soul is for, what areas and topics are interesting to you. This is the time of independence. You're not in school anymore, and you have carte blanche to do whatever comes to mind, the way you want it."

Кристи Брукс художница по архитектурному стеклу, преподает на программах Foundation в университетах Великобритании


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