Start date
September 2024
3 years
Tuition fees
625 000 ₽ per year
Payment by installments is possible
Product Design
About the course
The enrollment will open in Spring 2022.

Product Design is the design of everyday objects and their supporting services with a particular accent given to their relevance, usefulness and functionality. Product Design is simply “everything” surrounding us and because of that the range of necessary competences is very wide, ranging from understanding materials, production techniques, economical issues, end users and sustainability. Our approach is centred around user needs, where issues surrounding everyday manufactured products and services are developed and explored.

The programme has been running since 2006 and ever since the main scope of the course has been related to provide a relevant international experience in thinking globally and acting locally (in Russia), with a correct balance of technical abilities and design thinking skills. The course has constantly managed to evolve by proposing new contents in a way to stay up with the challenges of the time (and the future), cross matching, sometimes, with other disciplines like futurology or interface design. It investigates the cultural, technical and commercial factors which influence the development of innovative new products, and it introduces the creative and professional strategies which underpin design. The course includes branding and methods of identifying consumer needs and aspirations as an approach to creating the right product.

Studies focus on human centred design, design thinking and collaboration and we work with business communities both in Russia and abroad. Students are involved in live projects at all levels, which are implemented for real clientss. The school cooperates with well known companies, including Asus, SEAT, Adobe, Sony, Hewlett-Packard, Light Technologies, SCA Tissue Europe, Rolsen Electronics, Daimler Chrysler and many more.

Britanka Degree Show 2022

What makes the programme unique

Our tutors

Our programme tutors are practicing industry experts. They possess the prerequisite technical skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to help students achieve the best results in their industrial design studies. The tutors support students throughout all stages of a project, and teach them to engage in dialogue with manufacturers and clients.

Glocal approach

We foster the ability to think holistically — on a global level, taking into account local specificities. The constant evolution of our curriculum allows graduates to pursue high quality projects, increase their abilities in design thinking and their technical skills, in order to obtain significant competitive advantages in the industrial design industry.

Learning resources

The Learning Resources Centre at BHSAD is the perfect place to study. It offers access to a broad range of specialist books and journals, DVDs, videos, slides, and all the electronic resources.

Integration into the professional environment

To interact with the professional community of designers, our students are involved in the implementation of real-world customer projects. The school collaborates with a number of well-known companies such as: Asus, SEAT, Nissan, Adobe, SONY, Hewlett-Packard, Light Technologies, SCA Tissue Europe, Rolsen Electronics, Daimler Chrysler and DuPont. Our students' best works are often awarded at international competitions, such as iSaloni Milano.

The centre of modelling and prototyping

The Centre is equipped with advanced equipment to work with metal, wood and plastic. We have facilities for turning, milling, drilling, grinding and more. We also have professional hand tools, a 3D printer, a spray booth and powerful computer stations, which allow our student to progress through all the stages of industrial design: from sketching and 3D visualization to prototype manufacturing.

Advanced methods for the implementation of ideas

The School has advanced equipment for the realization of any creative solution for the construction of large and small forms. Our 'open door' policy means that students can utilize the computer labs, photo studio, our modern sound laboratory, and our ceramics and sculpture studio.

Hardware & Software

All the computers in our digital design labs have access to Adobe Creative Cloud, which gives students the opportunity to learn and use key industry standard applications like InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and AfterEffects. Specialist technicians, including qualified Adobe Certified Instructors, are available to support the students in making the most of the software.

Meetings with experts in the field

The School regularly invites well-known Russian and foreign experts in the field of product design. These meetings take place in a variety of formats — from one-off lectures and round tables to series of workshops with practical activities and tasks.
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Programme Structure
Year 1: Modules
The student experience is focused on developing the basic design ‘toolbox’ skills required by product design students. Students will become familiar with design practices and processes including visual language, design and communication, materials, techniques, vision, function, construction, production, decision-making and challenges. Students will develop drawing, computer, workshop and presentation skills through focused project activity. A module in critical and cultural studies will enable the students to develop study skills and gain a broader knowledge of relevant cultural and historical matters.

Core modules:

  • Introduction to Core Design Skills
  • Introduction to Design Principles
  • Professional Design Studio
  • Design Theory (L4)

Year 2: Modules
Practical work in workshops and implementation of companies’ projects allow students to improve understanding of the methods which are used by professionals as well as to expand their knowledge and improve professional skills. The implementation of projects helps to develop their own ideas and identify their advantages, while practical training incorporates current product design practices and the opportunity to interact with the professional community.

Core modules:

  • Core Design Skills (2)
  • Design Principles (PID)
  • Professional Design Studio (2)
  • Design Theory (L5)


Year 3: Modules
During their final year leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts students can study either in Moscow or in the UK depending on their choice.

This year is designed to prepare the student for the world of work. It focuses on developing and consolidating key skills and provides the student with opportunities to work on external projects. During their third year, students improve their communication and presentation skills, actively participating in various competitions; they write degree essay along with project-related activities. The degree project combines accumulated experience, so graduates can demonstrate their achieved level.

Core modules: 

  • Major Degree Project (PID)
  • Professional Design Studio (3)
  • The Degree Essay (L6)


Alisa Minkina
Dydykin Igor
Student works
Vlada Volkova
Vlada Volkova
Vlada Volkova Multiland
See the project in detail
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Sofya Kuznetsova
Call for emotional awareness
Sofya Kuznetsova
Sofya Kuznetsova Call for emotional awareness
See the project in detail
1 / 6
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Julia Korotkova
Coplayer: communication player
Julia Korotkova
Julia Korotkova Coplayer: communication player
See the project in detail
1 / 7
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Anna Novitskaya
Anna Novitskaya
Anna Novitskaya INCUB
See the project in detail
1 / 3
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Yulia Bagryantseva
Yulia Bagryantseva
Yulia Bagryantseva N’Boom
See the project in detail
1 / 5
1 / 5
Faina Iasen
Spice + Mortar
Faina Iasen
Faina Iasen Spice + Mortar
See the project in detail
1 / 6
1 / 6
Natalya Kasatkina
Home jungle
Natalya Kasatkina
Natalya Kasatkina Home jungle
See the project in detail
1 / 4
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Emilli Ramilison
Emilli Ramilison
Emilli Ramilison Greencastle
See the project in detail
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How to apply

Required level of English

IELTS band 6.0 (or equivalent certificate). Along with the IELTS results, the following certificates are also accepted:

- CAE (Certificate in Advanced English);
- FCE (First Certificate in English).

If a prospective student does not have an IELTS certificate of the required level but successfully passed BHSAD English test as part of BHSAD entrance exams, he/she needs to obtain an IELTS certificate before the start of the first semester on Year 1.

Required portfolio

The range of work in your portfolio should cover a broad spectrum of media, materials and approaches. Projects may be submitted in different disciplines including but not limited to graphics, drawing, painting, textile, photography, decorative art, design, web-design, animation.

First of all, the admission committee would like to see how you can generate and develop your ideas; that is why, besides finished projects, the portfolio should also include notebooks with sketches, sketchbooks, written works (articles, essays, if any). Please try to present examples of the best and most recent projects which reflect your creative abilities.

Your portfolio needs to be printed (А3 format or larger). Animation and CG works should be presented on CDs or memory sticks. It advisable to show photographs of large works which otherwise would be difficult to transport. 

Interview procedure

Prospective students will be asked questions regarding their education and professional background in order to make a final decision about admission on to the course. Please be ready to tell the interview panel about yourself, your design experience and projects in your portfolio. 

You may be asked about the history of creation of a particular work and the context of its creation. The panel may ask you about well-known designers to learn about the influence of creative activities of other designers and artists on you, the reason why you follow them and the main incentive for your development in terms of your occupation.
Cost and terms of payment

Cost and terms of payment

625 000 ₽ per year
Payment by installments is possible

What is the language of delivery?

The education at BHSAD is provided by an international team of lecturers but the working language is always English for our British programmes.

Upcoming events

July 2024
Please register below
Start at 17:20
July 2024
Please register below
Start at 19:00


19.04.2024 | News

16.04.2024 | News

15.03.2024 | News

06.03.2024 | News

19.01.2024 | News


Product Design

1 september–1 july
Please fill the form:
Who pays the tuition?
Payment type

Payment is made after confirmation of the application.

Tuition fees:
725 000
725 000

Thank you for your application.

You have successfully signed up for intensive Product Design.
Intensive will be held: 1 september–1 july

If you have questions, you can always contact us:
+7 (495) 640-30-15
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Product Design

1 september–1 july
1 These gift recipient
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After payment, a letter will be sent to the recipient of the certificate with a notification of the gift and with all the necessary information for the participant

2 Your data
Please fill the form:
Who pays the tuition?
Payment type
Tuition fees:
725 000
725 000

Thank you for your application.

Application is completed and a gift certificate is already being prepared for shipment.
Intensive will be held: 1 september–1 july

If you have questions, you can always contact us:
+7 (495) 640-30-15
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