Start date
September 2024
3 years
3 years
Tuition fees
690 000 ₽ per year
Payment by installments is possible
Graphic Design
About the course
The course focuses on the diversity of contemporary graphic and communication design practice. The emphasis is on the development of an personal approach to the discipline. We place equal emphasis on intellectual and practical knowledge, and encourage the students to engage with both traditional and contemporary media and  processes including: typography, photography, printmaking, film and video, and physical computation; and areas of application like: art direction, environmental design, exhibition design, motion graphics, editorial and self-publishing, user interfaces and user experience, and more. 

The course aims to provide a learning environment that will allow the students to build a conceptual, visual and technical ‘toolbox’ that will enable them to formulate and execute solutions to complex design problems. 

We encourage our students to set aside traditional disciplinary divisions, and to engage in an open exploration of the unprecedented range of methodologies, processes, and media that a contemporary designer can operate within. 

At the time of graduation students will have developed an individual approach to the field of graphic design, will be confident in their own intellectual and aesthetic decisions, and they will have the skills to promote themselves and their work to potential employers and clients.

Britanka Degree Show 2022

What makes the programme unique

Our tutors

Staff teaching on this course, themselves graduates from leading international art and design schools, are well regarded professionals and researchers within the discipline. Their professional insights on the current developments and their experience has a direct impact on the teaching.

An international career

The course has been designed to embrace current technological and conceptual developments within the global creative industries. We offer challenging, enjoyable projects that encourage a wide range of output, and the flexible structure of the course encourages students to explore and question the boundaries of professional practice. After graduation many of our students have been employed by prestigious international studios like Saatchi & Saatchi, Lava, and Fitch, while others have gone on to establish successful independent practices that are already making their mark on the field.

Learning resources

The Learning Resources Centre at BHSAD is the perfect place to study. It offers access to a broad range of specialist books and journals, DVDs, videos, slides, and all the electronic resources including image and article databases, electronic books, and more.

Award winning work

Our students and graduates have won many awards in many prestigious international design competitions, including Yellow Pencils and Best In Show in the D&AD New Blood Awards; Student Designer of the Year and the Graphic Design award at New Designers; success in the Student Assessments if the International Society of Typographic Design, and the YCN awards.

Live projects

Collaborations and partnerships with influential local and international brands and institutions are an important part of the course. Our students have produced work for clients like Cinzano, Roland DG, the Moscow Kremlin Museum, the British Council, and Benetton.

Rethinking craft

Our printmaking workshop introduces students both to a range traditional techniques and to the ways these might contribute to contemporary making. We always encourage our students to exercise an experimental sensibility towards processes, materials, and mixed-media making. The printmaking workshop at the school supports four printmaking processes: screenprinting, relief, intaglio, and monotyping.

Think it. Make it.

The course believes that students should be able to use any processes and technologies they feel their project work may require. Within the school our students have access to animation, sound, and video editing suites; photography studios and darkrooms; ceramics and printmaking facilities; large format digital printing equipment; as well as woodwork and metalwork workshops.

Hardware & Software

All the computers in our digital design labs have access to Adobe Creative Cloud, which gives students the opportunity to learn and use key industry standard applications like InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and AfterEffects. Specialist technicians, including qualified Adobe Certified Instructors, are available to support the students in making the most of the software.
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Programme Structure
Year 1: Modules
Year 1 (Level 4) is about core skills and finding the right pathway for you. The first semester will allow you to explore both graphic design and illustration, before choosing one to specialise in for the rest of the course. Teaching encourages creative thinking, the generation of ideas and problem solving, with hands-on workshops in software, typography and printmaking.

Core modules:

- Visual Communication (45 credits)
- Graphic Design Essentials Part 1 (45 credits)
- C&CS Level 4 Graphic Design and Illustration (30 credits)
Year 2: Modules
Year 2 (Level 5) focuses on professional projects, emphasising commercial constraints and expectations. It includes high-profile live projects which allow you to develop a real understand of what employers expect. Students also explore areas like digital design, interaction, and motion graphics.

Core modules:

- Graphic Design Essentials Part 2 (45 credits)
- Graphic Design Professional Development (15 credits)
- Graphic Design Live Projects (30 credits)
- C&CS Level 5 Graphic Design and Illustration (30 credits)
Year 3: Modules
The final year is focused around building a professional portfolio with the chance to enter the best student competitions, as well as developing your own interests. It is intended to provide an experience from which you can emerge as a work-ready creative. The staff team are nationally and internationally recognised designers and illustrators who bring their research and professional interests directly into the student environment.

Core modules:

- Graphic Design Advanced Practice Part 1 (30 credits)
- Graphic Design Advanced Practice Part 2 (60 credits)
- Graphic Design and Illustration L6 Degree Essay (30 credits)


Student works
Kristina Volodchenkova
Venus Reborn
Kristina Volodchenkova
Kristina Volodchenkova Venus Reborn
See the project in detail
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Nazira Berikbay
3D to 2D
Nazira Berikbay
Nazira Berikbay 3D to 2D
See the project in detail
1 / 3
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Marina Bolotina
Squirrels & Microchips
Marina Bolotina
Marina Bolotina Squirrels & Microchips
See the project in detail
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Alexander Danilov
Indoor typology
Alexander Danilov
Alexander Danilov Indoor typology
See the project in detail
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Johanna Gibbs
Sexy Woman, Sad Woman: An Inventory of the Primary Features of the Visual Language of Ten Tabloid Magazines
Johanna Gibbs
Johanna Gibbs Sexy Woman, Sad Woman: An Inventory of the Primary Features of the Visual Language of Ten Tabloid Magazines
See the project in detail
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Juliana Korolkova
Ticket to сhildhood
Juliana Korolkova
Juliana Korolkova Ticket to сhildhood
See the project in detail
1 / 2
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Ekaterina Nedesheva
Handmade felted boots
Ekaterina Nedesheva
Ekaterina Nedesheva Handmade felted boots
See the project in detail
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Karina Svistunova
Karina Svistunova
Karina Svistunova Panelka
See the project in detail
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How to apply

Required level of English

IELTS band 6.0 (or equivalent certificate). Along with the IELTS results, the following certificates are also accepted:

- CAE (Certificate in Advanced English);
- FCE (First Certificate in English).

If a prospective student does not have an IELTS certificate of the required level but successfully passed BHSAD English test as part of BHSAD entrance exams, he/she needs to obtain an IELTS certificate before the start of the first semester on Year 1.

Required portfolio

The range of work in your portfolio should cover a broad spectrum of media, materials and approaches. Projects may be submitted in different disciplines including but not limited to graphics, drawing, painting, textile, photography, decorative art, design, web-design, animation. First of all, the admission committee would like to see how you can generate and develop your ideas; that is why, besides finished projects, the portfolio should also include notebooks with sketches, sketchbooks, written works (articles, essays, if any). Please try to present examples of the best and most recent projects which reflect your creative abilities. Your portfolio needs to be printed (А3 format or larger). Animation and CG works should be presented on CDs or memory sticks. It advisable to show photographs of large works which otherwise would be difficult to transport.

Interview procedure

Prospective students will be asked questions regarding their education and professional background in order to make a final decision about admission on to the course. Please be ready to tell the interview panel about yourself, your design experience and projects in your portfolio. 

You may be asked about the history of creation of a particular work and the context of its creation. The panel may ask you about well-known designers to learn about the influence of creative activities of other designers and artists on you, the reason why you follow them and the main incentive for your development in terms of your occupation.
Cost and terms of payment

Cost and terms of payment

690 000 ₽ per year
Payment by installments is possible
Success stories
Success stories
Anastasia Suchkova, Valeria Bukharova Graphic Design
Ivan Khmelevsky Graphic Design
Alexander Artsvuni Graphic Design
Elena Medvedeva Graphic Design
Sergey Vasin Graphic Design
Dmitry Kovalev Graphic Design
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What is the language of delivery?

The education at BHSAD is provided by an international team of lecturers but the working language is always English for our British programmes.

Upcoming events

July 2024
Please register below
Start at 17:20
July 2024
Please register below
Start at 19:00


19.04.2024 | News

16.04.2024 | News

15.03.2024 | News

06.03.2024 | News

19.01.2024 | News


Graphic Design

1 september–1 july
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Who pays the tuition?
Payment type

Payment is made after confirmation of the application.

Tuition fees:
725 000
725 000

Thank you for your application.

You have successfully signed up for intensive Graphic Design.
Intensive will be held: 1 september–1 july

If you have questions, you can always contact us:
+7 (495) 640-30-15
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Graphic Design

1 september–1 july
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After payment, a letter will be sent to the recipient of the certificate with a notification of the gift and with all the necessary information for the participant

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Please fill the form:
Who pays the tuition?
Payment type
Tuition fees:
725 000
725 000

Thank you for your application.

Application is completed and a gift certificate is already being prepared for shipment.
Intensive will be held: 1 september–1 july

If you have questions, you can always contact us:
+7 (495) 640-30-15
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